A warm-up for infielders and outfielders - Cornerstone Coaching AcademyCornerstone Coaching Academy

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A warm-up for infielders and outfielders

Jogging foul poles is boring and not very productive.  Why not get the heart rate up and do something more productive at the same time.  These two warm-up activities are great to work on some aspect of the game AND get the heart rate up.

Start by having players do 2 minutes of "dry" rundowns without a runner.  This gets their heart rate up and gets them working on the communication and fundamentals of rundowns on a daily basis.

3 Ball and QB Drill Warm -up <<< Download here

Check out the addition ways Cornerstone Elite can help you create more Athletic, Consistent, and Extraordinary infielders...

  • Full infield drills - Get the most out of limited time with these incredibly efficient full infield drills.

  • Lead up drills - These daily lead up drills teach great hands and footwork and be accomplished in just a few minutes per day.

  • Double play feeds and turns - Complete system for double play feeds and turns including drills to make these more efficient.

  • A.C.E. Infield course and philosophy shift - A mind opening philosophy change for most coaches that will make your infielders more dynamic and consistent.