Mini - Why the player making more errors may be the better defender - Cornerstone Coaching AcademyCornerstone Coaching Academy

Call us  Coach Kyle Nelson

Mini – Why the player making more errors may be the better defender

In this podcast mini, I discuss why the player making more errors may actually be the better defender.

  • Errors are actually a pretty poor way to look at defense
  • What you should be looking at instead of errors alone
  • Why UZR, a stat used in Major League Baseball, probably isn't very effective for amateur teams
  • How you can create your own "UZR" chart

Resources of the show:

2 Responses so far.

  1. […] Why the player who makes more errors might be the better defender – Mini Podcast Episode […]

  2. morris44 says:

    On the fielding chart, why is an error on category 2 = 0 impact? Should it be -1?

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